Thursday, January 19, 2012

A selfish person is a thief

Stop blaming the world for your problems. You are your problem and all you can do is fix it, get over it, and move on. It makes me frustrated when people try to blame the world for their problems. Everyone goes through tough situations in their life not just you. Your selfishness sticks out like a shiny glittery bracelet in the sunlight. If you're feeling down, consult someone. Stop dwelling in the past and trying to steal sympathy from innocent people. Stop trapping your friends and family by telling them that if something doesn't happen, you'll commit suicide. It's extremely selfish and I can't stand it. Talk to a professional about these kind of things. No person should ever feel trapped inside of a sticky situation such as suicide. Realize that you have a problem if you keep thinking dark thoughts. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Stop trying to make pity parties happen. Although life is like a box of chocolates, it's also like a puzzle with a million pieces. Some may fit, some may not. Things may fall into place, other things not so much. Throughout your life the puzzle completes itself. Let yourself complete the puzzle because if you won't get help when you need it, no one will be able to help you, it will be too late. When you die, the puzzle is complete.

And I would like to give credit for the title to Jose Marti.

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