Sunday, January 29, 2012

Music videos vs. crazy people

Something that I think should change is the way MTV presents itself in these recent years. I personally think that MTV has gone from diamonds to plastic. I know it is difficult to tear your eyes away from the overly tan party animals and the irresponsible pregnant teenagers but music videos make MTV a better channel. I used to love turning on the television and having new and old songs thumping through my ears and now, those memories seem to be old with MTV having no intentions of creating new ones. Unfortunately, MTV has gone extremely downhill and it appears that people don't appreciate music as much as they used to. Don't get me wrong, rap music is very fun. But on the other hand, it's degrading and has no meaning most of the time. Also, I loved watching music videos that showed the band singing or going through some life story. I don't love watching music videos with big butts and boobs jiggling at the camera. There is more to life than partying, sex, drugs, drinking, and appearances. Why doesn't the new MTV go back to the old MTV? I know exactly why. People today are so fascinated with the pathetic lives of other people therefore, if MTV got rid of those shows, they would probably get no ratings because of the way people are today. I would like to admit though that I absolutely love watching The Real World and The Challenge. Those could be staged and rigged, but at least they have meaning and they work towards something. MTV should probably change their name to TTV (Trash Television). This is a cry out to MTV: go back to being all about MUSIC TELEVISION.

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