Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Surviving college, my way

I have collected some important tips that you incoming freshman will need for college, in my opinion. Although I'm only at the end of my freshman year in college, I have learned a crap ton within two semesters. I will enlighten you on some tips/tricks on how to survive college the best way I know possible.

1. Make sure you bring rain boots and an umbrella. If you don't have any, buy some.
2. Your GPA is so important from the moment you start classes to the moment you graduate. Don't screw up (no pressure).
3. Go to class. A lot of professors count attendance towards grades. It's not difficult to sit in a class. Don't be lazy.
4. It's always good to know someone at the college you're going to. They'll help you get acquainted with the campus and answer questions without a hassle.
5. Get Skype if you have a webcam. You'll miss your friends, especially if you're far away.
6. Be prepared to walk. A lot.
7. Without a laptop, you'll probably die.
8. Make your school e-mail the first website you check when you get on your computer. There are always important things you need to know such as possible class cancellations.
9. Keep textbooks in amazing condition if you plan to sell them back. I highlighted mine and I got a good deal, but I kept the book neat.
10. Don't take all your classes with a friend. It's a great way to make friends.
11. Don't bring a whole lot of fancy clothes unless you plan to rush for a frat/sorority. You'll eventually start wearing your hair messy with a t-shirt and shorts/jeans to class every day. You'd be surprised. I had no intentions of not dressing cute. Now I look like a hobo every day. No one cares.
12. Sticky notes will save your life. Without them, I would be so unorganized and I would forget everything.
13. Stock up on scantrons and put them in your bag the night before a test. Chances are you'll forget to buy one and you'll be scrambling for a scantron from a stranger.
14. If you do forget your scantron and you borrow one from someone, make sure you give them one later on. That's just so rude if you don't.
15. I have found that having a folder and journal for every class works best for me.
16. Don't buy your textbook before class starts. You may end up not needing it.
17. When a fast food logo stares at you, look away. Don't be a victim of the freshman 15.
18. Be nice to your neighbors/roommates. You'll be stuck with them for a year.
19. Don't be afraid to represent your school colors.
20. If your professor posts the power points online, take advantage of it.
21. If you ever get lost, don't be afraid to ask someone where something is. Most professors hate late students and it looks bad on your part.
22. Be aware of your rival school and their colors. It'd be embarrassing to look like you're rooting for them.
23. Go to sporting events. It's a great way to meet people and have fun. I need to go to more myself actually.
24. Get in good with your professors. Trust me, you'll get more lenience if the professor actually likes you. Don't be a suck up or a kiss ass though.
25. If a class is optional, go anyway. Chances are the professor will give you some credit for being there whether it's extra credit or more points towards attendance. If not, the optional class will most likely be beneficial in some way.
26. If you're assigned a book, just read it.
27. Don't get sucked into a world of partying and crazy behavior unless you have mastered the skill of partying in school and getting fantastic grades. You'll regret it when you have to pay again to take a class you failed just so you could have a couple hours of fun. I promise, college will be easier if you focus. It's bad enough to screw around in high school so don't make poor decisions in college. Failing out would be pretty embarrassing.
28. Bring medications such as Advil, Ibuprophen, Tylenol etc. You'll regret it when you have a terrible headache in your dorm.
29. Take all core classes first. Then you can spend your last years of college focusing on your major especially if you change it a lot.
30. Try to go to the rec (the gym) a lot. Get fit while you can. You're paying for a membership, so take advantage of the opportunity.
31. Always do extra credit no matter the difficulty. If you can get a few extra points that's great. You may be two points away from an A. Extra credit really helps, I promise.
32. Always check your professors online or you'll regret it. Ratemyprofessor.com

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